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  4. Lawful Permanent Residents
  5. Adjustments To Lawful Permanent Residence By Year of Entry

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Adjustments to Lawful Permanent Residence by Year of Entry

Lawful permanent residents (LPRs), also known as “green card” holders, are non-citizens who are lawfully authorized to live permanently within the United States.

There are two paths to LPR status, depending on whether the applicant is seeking LPR status from within the United States or applying for an immigrant visa abroad. OIS refers to those who gain LPR status from within the United States as "adjustments of status."

The tables below offer the year of entry into the United States of those adjusting to LPR status from FY 2000 to 2022. Tables are available for the top 10 countries of birth and by world regions.

Listings of the countries within each world region are available within the introduction to the most recent PDF Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

Download Adjustment to LPR by Year of Entry Data

Data File File Extension File size Date Posted Report Year Data Category categories
Adjustments to Lawful Permanent Residence by Year of Entry: FY 2000 to 2022 xlsx 112.67 KB 12/22/2022 2000 Lawful Permanent Residents, Adjustment to LPR by Year of Entry 10, 22