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  3. Immigration
  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2019
  6. Table 11. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status By Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Last Residence: Fiscal Year 2019

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 11. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Last Residence: Fiscal Year 2019

The 2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 11. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region of Last Residence: Fiscal Year 2019
Region of Last Residence Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,031,765 505,765 204,139 139,458 43,463 106,911 32,029
Africa 110,048 48,369 12,226 6,447 18,013 24,742 251
Asia 352,593 141,662 83,762 74,503 12,688 30,558 9,420
Europe 90,810 44,278 6,958 22,498 10,414 6,408 254
North America 371,282 205,046 85,165 20,613 556 41,182 18,720
Oceania 6,209 2,929 761 1,720 627 162 10
South America 88,022 57,731 12,211 12,409 891 3,233 1,547
Unknown 12,801 5,750 3,056 1,268 274 626 1,827


Table 11. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Country of Last Residence: Fiscal Year 2019
County of Last Residence Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,031,765 505,765 204,139 139,458 43,463 106,911 32,029
Afghanistan 9,269 645 281 31 247 265 7,800
Albania 5,019 1,647 1,145 82 2,040 98 7
Algeria 2,231 704 134 53 1,298 D D
American Samoa 20 14 - 6 - - -
Angola 225 116 19 21 22 47 -
Anguilla 14 D D - - - -
Antigua and Barbuda 382 252 104 16 D D D
Argentina 3,753 2,282 168 1,061 60 127 55
Armenia 3,051 1,226 314 183 1,139 181 8
Aruba 49 41 D D - - -
Australia 3,823 1,755 327 1,340 388 4 9
Austria 1,201 238 32 161 10 756 4
Azerbaijan 1,047 270 D 69 618 54 D
Bahamas 958 780 73 91 8 D D
Bahrain 312 111 54 138 - D D
Bangladesh 14,894 6,041 7,660 1,030 D 134 D
Barbados 363 242 74 D - - D
Belarus 2,249 704 147 353 901 D D
Belgium 765 356 31 333 32 D D
Belize 817 619 148 28 - 7 15
Benin 613 282 49 19 249 D D
Bermuda 107 65 D 30 - - D
Bhutan 101 45 - 7 14 35 -
Bolivia 1,425 964 239 127 6 44 45
Bosnia and Herzegovina 575 387 92 51 29 D D
Botswana 80 43 D 17 D 13 -
Brazil 19,607 12,609 733 5,809 8 259 189
Brunei 21 6 3 12 - - -
Bulgaria 1,697 1,128 147 190 204 22 6
Burkina Faso 680 387 39 D 134 91 D
Burma 1,952 821 517 D 188 346 D
Burundi 890 99 9 D 101 676 D
Cabo Verde 1,823 867 942 9 D D D
Cambodia 2,592 1,859 521 122 75 10 5
Cameroon 4,257 1,812 472 85 1,350 534 4
Canada 14,723 6,597 1,464 6,189 212 63 198
Cayman Islands 116 60 31 18 D D -
Central African Republic 39 15 D D - 16 3
Chad 380 33 - 5 14 328 -
Chile 1,817 1,152 122 415 41 67 20
China, People's Republic 60,029 24,234 12,214 16,476 45 6,924 136
Colombia 18,715 14,614 2,199 1,293 7 502 100
Congo, Democratic Republic 3,756 539 276 52 2,559 325 5
Congo, Republic 400 121 D 35 119 117 D
Costa Rica 2,466 1,843 226 256 19 86 36
Cote d'Ivoire 1,461 797 172 34 345 104 9
Croatia 328 199 9 97 8 15 -
Cuba 39,580 3,329 3,334 8 92 32,810 7
Curacao 59 39 7 10 - 3 -
Cyprus 136 78 D 36 19 D -
Czechia 751 480 21 173 57 17 3
Denmark 467 229 24 190 15 3 6
Djibouti 2,154 1,226 763 D D 126 -
Dominica 461 284 149 20 4 D D
Dominican Republic 49,815 23,687 25,697 225 3 118 85
Ecuador 11,189 6,271 2,943 421 121 587 846
Egypt 10,415 3,196 1,056 920 3,250 1,984 9
El Salvador 24,326 13,437 5,150 1,684 - 2,730 1,325
Equatorial Guinea 32 24 - 5 D D -
Eritrea 924 272 22 42 D 569 D
Estonia 186 120 10 38 15 3 -
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 40 18 D 14 D - -
Ethiopia 10,109 3,616 1,411 358 1,525 3,192 7
Fiji 694 256 277 9 149 3 -
Finland 523 162 21 313 27 - -
France 5,009 2,093 211 2,384 271 30 20
French Polynesia 134 14 - 9 - 111 -
Gabon 127 101 D D 6 13 -
Gambia 1,370 999 147 15 21 170 18
Georgia 1,586 792 130 80 555 24 5
Germany 5,276 2,940 216 1,778 270 49 23
Ghana 8,471 6,014 1,369 328 587 151 22
Greece 1,537 802 161 402 157 12 3
Grenada 527 388 107 23 D D D
Guatemala 13,111 5,919 2,245 1,302 32 2,039 1,574
Guinea 1,538 938 169 12 228 174 17
Guinea-Bissau 60 49 7 - D D -
Guyana 4,837 2,217 2,534 62 10 4 10
Haiti 16,991 10,653 5,701 141 - 458 38
Honduras 15,543 10,136 1,918 1,213 24 1,356 896
Hong Kong 2,377 822 768 720 49 D D
Hungary 1,046 715 31 254 32 8 6
Iceland 76 34 D 37 D - -
India 51,139 20,426 12,394 16,870 26 955 468
Indonesia 2,022 1,167 182 274 62 319 18
Iran 4,463 1,253 267 2,391 150 387 15
Iraq 4,151 1,223 311 56 249 2,107 205
Ireland 1,912 946 41 877 44 4 -
Israel 4,702 2,383 196 1,821 112 178 12
Italy 4,072 2,080 286 1,314 193 185 14
Jamaica 21,337 15,285 4,822 1,151 3 37 39
Japan 4,897 2,869 184 1,621 210 7 6
Jordan 7,442 2,866 1,171 355 242 2,797 11
Kazakhstan 1,334 604 D 180 400 107 D
Kenya 9,619 2,680 503 712 1,115 4,579 30
Korea, North 19 13 - D - - D
Korea, South 18,101 6,856 1,075 10,113 20 5 32
Kosovo 902 440 195 24 202 41 -
Kuwait 1,288 371 143 569 61 144 -
Kyrgyzstan 791 257 D 50 282 168 D
Laos 822 695 96 21 D 7 D
Latvia 285 209 18 35 14 4 5
Lebanon 2,950 1,242 728 375 D 541 D
Lesotho 23 14 - 4 D D D
Liberia 3,419 1,811 489 15 897 200 7
Libya 422 187 11 142 39 43 -
Lithuania 677 463 52 65 78 12 7
Luxembourg 57 29 D 25 D - -
Macau 94 31 41 19 3 - -
Madagascar 66 40 D 19 D - -
Malawi 452 95 12 21 D 315 D
Malaysia 4,896 1,224 362 551 37 2,713 9
Mali 575 436 55 8 23 41 12
Malta 234 10 D 7 D 212 -
Marshall Islands 26 22 - D - D -
Mauritania 215 98 22 D 16 74 D
Mauritius 89 50 D 29 5 - D
Mexico 153,502 100,854 30,384 6,686 26 1,295 14,257
Micronesia, Federated States 23 20 - 3 - - -
Moldova 1,830 869 84 87 473 314 3
Mongolia 742 331 44 137 162 61 7
Montenegro 370 254 93 7 11 D D
Montserrat 27 21 6 - - - -
Morocco 3,659 1,960 343 109 1,184 53 10
Mozambique 110 29 3 9 5 64 -
Namibia 210 48 - 33 8 121 -
Nepal 11,489 2,606 855 1,498 2,829 3,670 31
Netherlands 1,348 645 71 570 47 12 3
Netherlands Antilles (former) 21 16 - 5 - - -
New Caledonia 10 D - - D - -
New Zealand 979 454 105 343 73 D D
Nicaragua 3,689 2,585 812 72 3 111 106
Niger 207 132 5 28 25 13 4
Nigeria 15,513 11,264 2,480 1,545 23 173 28
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia) 1,091 590 216 65 196 D D
Norway 349 253 13 68 7 5 3
Oman 316 74 54 160 10 18 -
Pakistan 13,234 5,713 4,524 2,038 11 905 43
Palau 19 12 D D - - -
Panama 1,135 824 146 113 18 28 6
Papua New Guinea 41 18 3 D D 16 -
Paraguay 435 344 37 33 5 12 4
Peru 9,873 6,617 2,494 396 10 152 204
Philippines 43,478 23,702 13,431 6,019 7 16 303
Poland 4,561 2,879 509 855 258 15 45
Portugal 959 613 81 229 8 20 8
Puerto Rico 12 9 - 3 - - -
Qatar 664 186 93 233 113 33 6
Republic of Nauru 22 D - - - D -
Romania 2,532 1,593 199 428 186 121 5
Russia 10,006 4,426 557 2,034 2,322 653 14
Rwanda 2,330 117 55 28 382 1,745 3
Saint Kitts and Nevis 243 130 104 9 - - -
Saint Lucia 719 536 142 32 D D 5
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 370 286 71 D - - D
Samoa 171 163 8 - - - -
Saudi Arabia 3,107 1,249 344 684 644 183 3
Senegal 1,671 1,222 255 51 82 43 18
Serbia 1,571 1,080 127 137 194 33 -
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 114 68 3 24 - 16 3
Sierra Leone 1,367 967 202 D 144 40 D
Singapore 1,239 389 126 709 D D -
Sint Maarten 97 70 D D - - -
Slovakia 449 278 13 91 12 51 4
Slovenia 114 59 - D D - -
Somalia 502 144 D D D 352 -
South Africa 3,337 1,481 128 1,136 267 322 3
South Sudan 96 57 9 13 6 11 -
Soviet Union (former) 887 655 12 184 D 27 D
Spain 3,465 1,541 248 1,264 88 316 8
Sri Lanka 1,701 482 156 438 349 264 12
Sudan 1,971 561 119 D 1,018 252 D
Suriname 149 111 29 D D D -
Sweden 1,096 621 59 387 14 12 3
Switzerland 730 343 21 327 29 D D
Syria 1,708 522 237 251 D 688 D
Taiwan 5,770 2,150 976 2,472 165 4 3
Tajikistan 1,051 175 48 37 770 21 -
Tanzania 4,452 434 52 57 51 3,851 7
Thailand 6,739 3,710 293 492 67 2,143 34
Togo 1,539 646 201 17 608 67 -
Tonga 238 192 38 - D D -
Trinidad and Tobago 3,158 2,225 716 180 5 7 25
Tunisia 467 331 13 79 31 D D
Turkey 9,135 2,302 265 1,558 1,313 3,651 46
Turkmenistan 279 101 14 18 137 9 -
Turks and Caicos Islands 71 57 9 5 - - -
Uganda 4,267 658 124 101 147 3,234 3
Ukraine 11,518 4,430 871 1,298 1,780 3,119 20
United Arab Emirates 3,776 890 584 1,677 377 207 41
United Kingdom 12,951 6,661 886 5,192 172 18 22
United States 6,363 3,685 1,452 1,022 102 12 90
Uruguay 1,063 861 25 96 9 33 39
Uzbekistan 2,338 678 544 145 832 127 12
Venezuela 15,159 9,689 688 2,689 613 1,445 35
Vietnam 38,944 15,736 21,414 1,648 4 34 108
Virgin Islands, British 103 65 27 11 - - -
Virgin Islands, U.S. 25 12 7 D - D -
Yemen 396 235 37 33 D 88 D
Zambia 700 272 20 56 19 325 8
Zimbabwe 679 355 35 133 31 121 4
All other countries1 61 30 3 20 5 3 -
Unknown 12,801 5,750 3,056 1,268 274 626 1,827

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.
- Represents zero.
1 Includes countries with fewer than 10 lawful permanent residents.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.