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  1. Home
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  3. Immigration
  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2018
  6. Table 15. Refugee Arrivals By Relationship To Principal Applicant and Sex, Age, and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2018

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Sex, Age, and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2018

The 2018 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Sex: Fiscal Year 2018
Characteristic Total Principal Applicants Dependents  
      Spouses Children
   Total 22,405 9,000 2,842 10,563
Female 11,099 4,042 1,942 5,115
Male 11,306 4,958 900 5,448


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Age: Fiscal Year 2018
Characteristic Total Principal Applicants Dependents  
      Spouses Children
   Total 22,405 9,000 2,842 10,563
Under 1 year 50 - - 50
1 to 4 years  2,442 82 - 2,360
5 to 9 years  2,914 61 - 2,853
10 to 14 years 2,706 185 - 2,521
15 to 19 years 2,692 568 18 2,106
20 to 24 years 2,383 1,502 215 666
25 to 29 years 1,952 1,499 D D
30 to 34 years 1,910 1,368 D D
35 to 39 years 1,418 959 D D
40 to 44 years 1,073 716 D D
45 to 49 years 872 606 266 -
50 to 54 years 621 437 184 -
55 to 59 years 447 310 137 -
60 to 64 years 334 242 92 -
65 to 69 years 269 199 70 -
70 to 74 years 159 130 29 -
75 years and over 163 136 27 -


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Broad Age Groups: Fiscal Year 2018
Characteristic Total Principal Applicants Dependents  
      Spouses Children
   Total 22,405 9,000 2,842 10,563
Under 16 years 8,674 396 - 8,278
16 to 20 years 2,640 669 37 1,934
21 years and over 11,091 7,935 2,805 351


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2018
Characteristic Total Principal Applicants Dependents  
      Spouses Children
   Total 22,405 9,000 2,842 10,563
Married 1 6,891 4,048 D D
Single 2 14,405 3,845 - 10,560
Widowed 613 613 - -
Divorced/separated 490 489 D D
Unknown 6 5 - 1

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.
- Represents zero.
1 Includes persons in common law marriage.
2 Includes persons who were engaged and not yet married.
Note: Excludes Amerasian immigrants.
Source: U.S. Department of State.