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  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2018
  6. Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status By Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2018

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2018

The 2018 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region of Birth: Fiscal Year 2018
Region of Birth Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,096,611 478,961 216,563 138,171 45,350 185,909 31,657
Africa 115,736 45,413 12,654 5,809 17,318 34,224 318
Asia 397,187 139,024 83,115 83,802 14,714 64,547 11,985
Europe 80,024 35,746 6,065 20,689 10,985 6,335 204
North America 418,991 207,224 99,744 16,254 380 77,701 17,688
Oceania 4,653 2,284 407 1,183 729 28 22
South America 78,869 48,511 14,326 10,385 1,207 3,028 1,412
Unknown 1,151 759 252 49 17 46 28


Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2018
Country of Birth Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,096,611 478,961 216,563 138,171 45,350 185,909 31,657
Afghanistan 12,935 719 351 33 143 1,929 9,760
Albania 5,049 1,678 869 101 2,249 143 9
Algeria 2,123 732 208 78 1,091 14 -
Angola 176 90 15 19 18 34 -
Anguilla 23 13 D D - - -
Antigua and Barbuda 325 210 100 11 - - 4
Argentina 3,080 1,733 183 984 36 87 57
Armenia 3,217 1,174 329 D 1,379 173 D
Aruba 45 28 D 12 D D -
Australia 2,693 1,238 76 934 433 5 7
Austria 401 176 18 180 21 D D
Azerbaijan 1,015 326 66 59 488 76 -
Bahamas 759 597 75 74 D 10 D
Bahrain 143 51 23 58 D 7 D
Bangladesh 15,717 7,374 7,229 865 D 211 D
Barbados 318 214 68 D - - D
Belarus 1,951 554 D 269 755 234 D
Belgium 537 225 22 254 29 4 3
Belize 632 495 96 18 D D 17
Benin 573 273 53 14 223 10 -
Bermuda 65 50 D D - - -
Bhutan 2,350 50 5 7 D 2,283 D
Bolivia 1,523 1,046 280 112 16 35 34
Bosnia and Herzegovina 682 377 124 75 51 55 -
Botswana 72 34 7 11 4 16 -
Brazil 15,394 9,957 684 4,378 16 185 174
Brunei 29 10 D 14 D - -
Bulgaria 1,798 1,026 181 234 324 30 3
Burkina Faso 525 252 38 15 96 121 3
Burma 8,182 735 523 62 97 6,765 -
Burundi 762 92 12 4 57 597 -
Cabo Verde 1,929 963 957 6 D - D
Cambodia 3,187 2,234 631 193 113 13 3
Cameroon 4,236 1,794 530 75 1,380 447 10
Canada 9,898 4,471 547 4,542 31 99 208
Cayman Islands 47 27 9 7 - 4 -
Central African Republic 304 19 D - D 282 -
Chad 251 34 D D 11 201 -
Chile 1,519 998 126 287 25 61 22
China, People's Republic 65,214 24,022 11,728 18,843 19 10,420 182
Colombia 17,545 12,296 3,171 1,116 9 846 107
Congo, Democratic Republic 9,941 565 365 D 2,323 6,634 D
Congo, Republic 580 80 18 34 62 378 8
Costa Rica 2,171 1,687 174 212 8 51 39
Cote d'Ivoire 1,375 635 157 48 316 203 16
Croatia 286 159 31 70 18 D D
Cuba 76,486 3,024 3,381 13 201 69,860 7
Curacao 56 31 11 7 D D D
Cyprus 120 50 7 44 5 14 -
Czechia 534 359 15 124 30 6 -
Czechoslovakia (former) 51 27 D 10 - 7 D
Denmark 353 148 13 180 D D -
Djibouti 281 39 D D 38 196 -
Dominica 492 274 195 17 - - 6
Dominican Republic 57,413 26,731 30,270 223 - 97 92
Ecuador 11,472 6,449 3,194 444 235 413 737
Egypt 9,826 2,900 1,074 969 3,420 1,449 14
El Salvador 28,326 15,410 7,315 1,475 - 2,480 1,646
Equatorial Guinea 17 12 - D D D -
Eritrea 2,428 630 259 D 94 1,405 D
Estonia 151 87 8 39 13 D D
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 18 D D D - - D
Ethiopia 12,403 4,701 1,914 259 2,170 3,347 12
Fiji 730 270 252 15 164 23 6
Finland 442 148 7 261 22 D D
France 4,276 1,596 145 2,269 231 28 7
French Polynesia 10 10 - - - - -
Gabon 112 63 13 12 D 12 D
Gambia 1,023 657 143 7 13 190 13
Georgia 1,643 761 154 107 564 57 -
Germany 4,443 2,250 149 1,707 278 46 13
Ghana 8,394 5,574 1,574 261 852 114 19
Greece 1,214 700 55 371 81 D D
Grenada 501 368 88 32 - 3 10
Guatemala 15,638 8,061 2,993 1,213 24 1,917 1,430
Guinea 1,282 778 119 11 122 226 26
Guinea-Bissau 27 19 4 D - D -
Guyana 5,165 2,073 3,003 56 3 13 17
Haiti 21,360 12,530 8,155 154 - 476 45
Honduras 13,794 8,273 2,296 1,162 49 1,189 825
Hong Kong 2,075 560 765 683 52 D D
Hungary 917 527 38 263 78 D D
Iceland 89 36 D 49 D - -
India 59,821 20,652 14,845 22,672 34 1,228 390
Indonesia 1,756 1,078 160 329 42 121 26
Iran 10,116 1,752 713 2,566 628 4,441 16
Iraq 14,351 1,280 365 94 206 11,763 643
Ireland 1,401 733 29 600 30 D D
Israel 3,706 1,626 156 1,824 63 32 5
Italy 3,329 1,485 172 1,331 158 176 7
Jamaica 20,347 13,542 5,667 1,047 3 43 45
Japan 4,317 2,428 116 1,632 119 8 14
Jordan 5,322 2,411 1,058 366 150 1,327 10
Kazakhstan 1,378 533 D 167 442 172 D
Kenya 7,190 2,609 529 547 908 2,549 48
Korea, North 41 23 - D D 15 -
Korea, South 17,676 5,833 1,178 10,601 15 10 39
Kosovo 886 429 151 D 207 86 D
Kuwait 1,090 337 217 252 63 218 3
Kyrgyzstan 908 232 64 35 316 258 3
Laos 863 701 110 28 D 20 D
Latvia 356 239 15 43 37 19 3
Lebanon 2,581 1,304 769 351 18 135 4
Lesotho 12 8 - D D - -
Liberia 3,101 1,497 370 35 928 262 9
Libya 499 168 22 154 58 97 -
Lithuania 658 449 47 69 89 4 -
Luxembourg 30 15 - D - - D
Macau 91 21 41 29 - - -
Macedonia 1,082 585 189 35 255 14 4
Madagascar 79 34 6 30 9 - -
Malawi 257 98 5 28 6 120 -
Malaysia 3,051 526 200 531 30 1,753 11
Mali 488 303 42 15 12 85 31
Malta 58 10 D D - 39 -
Marshall Islands 23 23 - - - - -
Mauritania 212 96 12 4 7 93 -
Mauritius 67 36 D 22 - - D
Mexico 161,858 105,539 36,276 5,600 10 1,270 13,163
Micronesia, Federated States 19 D - D - - -
Moldova 2,206 701 121 112 644 624 4
Monaco 13 7 - 6 - - -
Mongolia 636 293 33 90 135 66 19
Montenegro 299 193 62 15 D 17 D
Montserrat 20 D D - - - -
Morocco 3,077 1,959 280 158 660 13 7
Mozambique 100 42 D D - 47 -
Namibia 75 25 D D - 42 -
Nepal 11,953 2,497 1,022 1,594 3,466 3,346 28
Netherlands 998 479 46 438 20 D D
New Zealand 719 350 33 223 110 - 3
Nicaragua 3,061 1,998 769 80 5 114 95
Niger 93 68 D 9 10 D D
Nigeria 13,952 9,998 2,531 1,209 12 172 30
Norway 284 162 10 92 16 D D
Oman 110 30 13 46 5 16 -
Pakistan 15,802 6,766 5,260 2,271 11 1,414 80
Panama 897 619 166 57 5 38 12
Papua New Guinea 27 19 - D D - -
Paraguay 389 296 36 31 - 20 6
Peru 9,878 6,411 2,688 419 D D 195
Philippines 47,258 23,018 15,064 8,655 8 23 490
Poland 4,357 2,495 794 771 242 11 44
Portugal 889 592 58 206 18 11 4
Qatar 236 69 33 78 36 D D
Romania 2,448 1,492 216 496 186 47 11
Russia 8,621 3,461 536 2,056 1,865 684 19
Rwanda 1,620 90 45 34 222 1,229 -
Saint Kitts and Nevis 250 104 141 D - - D
Saint Lucia 696 506 155 24 D - D
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 333 239 84 D - - D
Samoa 179 163 6 3 4 - 3
Saudi Arabia 2,100 776 371 387 300 263 3
Senegal 1,420 983 205 51 91 59 31
Serbia 1,217 771 85 140 204 17 -
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 132 67 D 28 - 26 D
Sierra Leone 1,527 1,100 248 12 114 48 5
Singapore 801 278 45 465 9 D D
Sint Maarten 27 23 D D - D -
Slovakia 370 250 19 69 24 5 3
Slovenia 95 48 D 37 D - -
Somalia 7,557 635 112 6 6 6,798 -
South Africa 3,010 1,154 96 997 160 598 5
South Sudan 185 128 D - D 49 -
Soviet Union (former) 1,022 496 6 226 18 270 6
Spain 2,841 1,074 158 1,175 D 346 D
Sri Lanka 1,594 517 187 446 234 193 17
Sudan 3,658 855 155 D 1,048 1,556 D
Suriname 182 112 59 D D D D
Sweden 889 444 34 365 33 10 3
Switzerland 570 248 21 277 16 8 -
Syria 14,686 876 448 286 41 13,035 -
Taiwan 5,079 1,544 850 2,522 157 D D
Tajikistan 893 187 46 46 570 39 5
Tanzania 3,186 363 48 78 D 2,669 D
Thailand 5,556 3,093 292 450 36 1,646 39
Togo 1,534 695 230 12 518 74 5
Tonga 225 168 38 - 16 - 3
Trinidad and Tobago 2,758 1,874 660 175 29 7 13
Tunisia 517 349 14 86 47 18 3
Turkey 5,585 2,005 198 1,573 1,472 319 18
Turkmenistan 286 94 D 31 121 20 D
Turks and Caicos Islands 41 34 7 - - - -
Uganda 2,412 590 134 D 117 1,463 D
Ukraine 11,879 3,730 998 1,288 2,576 3,277 10
United Arab Emirates 1,379 322 246 530 101 173 7
United Kingdom 9,908 5,009 478 4,323 49 34 15
United States 306 206 19 28 - 30 23
Uruguay 960 741 48 96 14 36 25
Uzbekistan 4,612 715 532 139 2,993 226 7
Venezuela 11,762 6,399 854 2,454 850 1,168 37
Vietnam 33,834 15,866 16,240 1,560 3 58 107
Virgin Islands, British 37 21 D D - - -
Yemen 1,885 1,271 346 24 D 224 D
Zambia 477 211 25 60 D 169 D
Zimbabwe 749 361 49 160 41 131 7
All other countries1 82 58 8 13 1 1 1
Unknown 1,151 759 252 49 17 46 28

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.
- Represents zero.
1 Includes countries with fewer than 10 lawful permanent residents.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.