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  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2016
  6. Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Region And Country Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2016

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Region And Country Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2016

The 2016 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Region Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2016
Region of Citizen-ship Total Temp-orary Workers and Families1 Workers in Specialty Occu-pations
Seasonal Agri-cultural Workers
Seasonal Non-Agri-cultural Workers
(H2B, H2R)2
Workers with Extra-ordinary Ability/ Achieve-ment
(O1, O2)
Athletes, Artists, and Enter-tainers
(P1 to P3)
Intra-company Trans-ferees
Treaty Traders and Invest-ors
(E1 to E3)3
   Total 3,896,674 534,365 348,052 119,457 130,589 125,406 677,583 473,211 1,488,011
Africa 28,074 6,445 2,440 1,967 1,392 2,078 6,232 373 7,147
Asia 948,350 353,360 93 1,223 11,118 10,719 155,895 129,931 286,011
Europe 659,397 65,951 595 4,659 69,572 25,383 208,280 150,294 134,663
North America 2,037,776 80,614 343,700 111,246 32,649 77,719 246,936 135,255 1,009,657
Oceania 82,037 3,188 197 80 7,505 2,473 14,652 43,736 10,206
South America 140,024 24,506 1,000 274 8,304 6,985 45,347 13,529 40,079
Unknown 1,016 301 27 8 49 49 241 93 248


Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Country Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2016
Country of Citizenship Total Temp-orary Workers and Families1 Workers in Specialty Occu-pations
Seasonal Agri-cultural Workers
Seasonal Non-Agri-cultural Workers
(H2B, H2R)2
Workers with Extra-ordinary Ability/ Achieve-ment
(O1, O2)
Athletes, Artists, and Enter-tainers
(P1 to P3)
Intra-company Trans-ferees
Treaty Traders and Invest-ors
(E1 to E3)3
   Total 3,896,674 534,365 348,052 119,457 130,589 125,406 677,583 473,211 1,488,011
Afghanistan 35 4 - - - - 6 6 19
Albania 554 282 - D D 98 31 41 78
Algeria 382 60 - - - 57 94 3 168
Andorra 77 16 - - 3 - 16 - 42
Angola 429 18 - - 24 5 204 7 171
Antigua and Barbuda 120 36 - 6 7 25 9 - 37
Argentina 23,287 2,704 10 46 1,575 1,429 6,816 4,808 5,899
Armenia 450 103 - - 59 100 38 20 130
Australia4 74,160 2,113 85 42 6,151 2,080 11,933 43,672 8,084
Austria 8,355 764 D D 789 434 3,038 1,771 1,542
Azerbaijan 298 61 - - 20 16 56 24 121
Bahamas 807 335 - - 35 100 196 10 131
Bahrain 109 39 - - D D 45 - 21
Bangladesh 1,530 498 - - 15 83 134 5 795
Barbados 566 139 - 10 92 123 103 - 99
Belarus 1,282 155 - D 95 163 372 D 484
Belgium 12,356 962 - D 1,198 D 4,678 2,418 2,771
Belize 458 78 23 283 3 37 17 - 17
Benin 75 35 D - 4 D 17 - 16
Bhutan 16 6 - - - D - D 6
Bolivia 1,191 456 D - 36 64 290 D 314
Bosnia and Herzegovina 255 65 - - 6 91 33 13 47
Botswana 127 37 D - D D 22 - 61
Brazil 50,962 6,143 25 96 2,022 1,453 22,593 890 17,740
Brunei 20 3 - - - - 11 - 6
Bulgaria 2,698 815 10 296 146 165 417 550 299
Burkina Faso 121 48 - - 3 10 11 9 40
Burma 135 53 - - D 9 15 D 53
Burundi 26 16 - - 6 D D - -
Cabo Verde 48 5 - - 12 23 - - 8
Cambodia 101 13 - - D 21 D 26 36
Cameroon 389 184 - - 11 51 40 8 95
Canada 1,140,594 56,932 4,097 5,385 22,013 35,258 194,415 68,306 754,188
Central African Republic 12 5 - D D D - D D
Chad D - - - - - - - D
Chile 9,445 3,165 22 52 435 188 1,731 1,072 2,780
China, People's Republic5 87,288 42,897 12 7 1,375 2,187 18,990 541 21,279
Colombia 20,983 4,478 D D 1,783 1,347 4,704 4,091 4,535
Comoros D D - - - - - - D
Congo, Democratic Republic 99 12 - - D 40 11 D 24
Congo, Republic 26 D - D - D 9 - 13
Costa Rica 4,194 698 119 308 142 47 1,692 174 1,014
Cote d'Ivoire 192 76 - - 12 12 46 - 46
Croatia 1,558 357 - 13 166 151 447 115 309
Cuba 873 7 - - 48 762 5 10 41
Cyprus 458 171 - - 83 D 152 D 47
Czechia 4,346 340 - 170 320 556 1,548 514 898
Denmark6 11,563 667 D D 1,718 379 4,055 1,575 3,147
Djibouti 3 - - - - D - D -
Dominica 61 17 - - 3 29 9 D D
Dominican Republic 7,626 801 55 178 362 3,921 807 41 1,461
Ecuador 2,971 826 9 13 162 93 895 90 883
Egypt 4,053 1,061 26 - 247 29 1,136 110 1,444
El Salvador 2,422 534 66 585 23 292 411 14 497
Equatorial Guinea 11 D - - - - D - 6
Eritrea 11 D - - - - - D 6
Estonia 666 77 - D 140 69 168 D 153
Ethiopia 570 130 - - 23 261 51 4 101
Fiji 73 12 - - - 18 6 - 37
Finland 7,421 482 - D D 667 2,912 512 2,376
France7 99,201 10,023 D D 6,500 1,892 30,247 28,025 22,504
Gabon 21 6 - - - - 5 - 10
Gambia 26 10 - - - D 10 D -
Georgia 394 140 - - 27 83 56 12 76
Germany 91,510 6,616 D D 5,061 1,535 23,535 42,083 12,675
Ghana 946 433 - - 27 104 116 - 266
Greece 4,354 1,604 - 16 554 320 1,035 181 644
Grenada 160 71 - - 4 18 31 25 11
Guatemala 7,501 733 1,647 3,586 134 265 495 34 607
Guinea 81 6 - - 3 42 14 - 16
Guyana 127 30 - - - 19 6 7 65
Haiti 883 65 65 D 36 417 10 D 285
Holy See D - - - - - - - D
Honduras 3,339 579 319 816 13 256 400 491 465
Hungary 4,298 533 3 49 393 554 1,496 38 1,232
Iceland 1,183 245 - - 230 D 271 D 348
India 524,414 269,262 - 6 1,418 2,990 60,521 238 189,979
Indonesia 2,211 711 - - 97 44 582 30 747
Iran 465 163 - - 40 14 43 25 180
Iraq 118 42 - - D D 33 - 40
Ireland 24,010 3,550 74 324 2,278 1,645 8,771 3,246 4,122
Israel 21,106 2,646 - 5 1,802 536 6,429 2,436 7,252
Italy 49,904 5,925 D D 4,629 952 12,874 18,221 7,280
Jamaica 18,138 599 4,420 9,587 2,158 657 211 75 431
Japan 182,062 4,965 D D 2,431 1,754 41,059 104,208 27,406
Jordan 930 401 - - 34 8 119 35 333
Kazakhstan 707 112 - - 41 38 164 69 283
Kenya 1,165 474 - - 14 242 154 5 276
Kiribati 19 - - - - - - - 19
Korea, North D D - - - - - D D
Korea, South 49,073 8,445 - 6 1,506 1,470 12,232 11,901 13,513
Kosovo 85 23 - - 5 13 6 12 26
Kuwait 134 43 - - 16 - 32 - 43
Kyrgyzstan 78 17 - - D 9 8 D 36
Laos 42 - - - - 3 4 - 35
Latvia 800 110 - - 211 137 117 89 136
Lebanon 1,885 804 - - 148 81 417 23 412
Lesotho 13 6 - - - D - - D
Liberia 30 D - - 12 11 - - D
Libya 96 27 - - D - D - 53
Liechtenstein 50 D - - 10 - 21 D 9
Lithuania 1,087 96 - 151 207 65 242 110 216
Luxembourg 319 50 - - 49 10 153 17 40
Macedonia 280 91 - 11 41 46 53 5 33
Madagascar 28 11 D - - D D D 12
Malawi 65 17 - - - 14 15 - 19
Malaysia 5,171 1,239 - - 131 40 2,357 39 1,365
Maldives 12 D - - - - - - D
Mali 103 22 - D 10 51 D - 17
Malta 173 24 - - 8 4 89 6 42
Mauritania 24 4 - - - 10 6 - 4
Mauritius 216 89 D - D D 61 12 49
Mexico 843,480 17,626 332,445 90,301 7,135 34,477 46,717 65,568 249,211
Moldova 408 127 44 25 31 20 39 4 118
Monaco 56 8 - - 36 5 4 - 3
Mongolia 339 90 - - 7 84 15 55 88
Morocco8 816 276 - - 21 30 166 91 232
Mozambique 62 8 - - D D 18 - 31
Namibia 59 5 D - 9 - 11 D 29
Nauru D - - - - - - - D
Nepal 1,604 1,076 D - 5 20 93 D 405
Netherlands9 27,133 1,822 7 40 3,712 904 10,424 3,837 6,387
New Zealand10 7,660 1,061 112 38 1,353 375 2,711 64 1,946
Nicaragua 1,410 241 441 114 9 154 183 10 258
Niger 31 6 - D 11 - 10 - D
Nigeria 3,176 1,397 - 4 75 122 521 3 1,054
Norway 6,900 438 - D 979 D 1,695 1,703 1,702
Oman 74 13 - - - - 19 - 42
Pakistan 5,598 1,828 - - 71 236 876 421 2,166
Palau 4 - - - D - - - D
Panama 1,613 274 3 86 82 226 342 288 312
Papua New Guinea 6 - - - - - D - D
Paraguay 458 102 - - 17 35 80 74 150
Peru 5,769 1,834 893 22 216 423 1,128 77 1,176
Philippines 17,061 3,725 56 911 353 188 2,805 598 8,425
Poland 9,047 1,255 3 217 745 771 3,132 369 2,555
Portugal 6,355 952 - 18 645 213 2,793 147 1,587
Qatar 35 4 - - - - 20 - 11
Romania 4,668 1,037 207 563 251 213 1,250 225 922
Russia 14,995 2,300 - 4 1,556 2,009 4,120 173 4,833
Rwanda 89 54 - - D - 26 - D
Saint Kitts and Nevis 106 34 - - 6 13 17 13 23
Saint Lucia 97 61 - - 8 4 12 - 12
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 65 16 - - 12 26 7 - 4
Samoa 33 - - - - - D - D
San Marino 7 - - - - D - - D
Saudi Arabia 1,739 171 - D D D 606 D 921
Senegal 270 83 - - 51 68 D D 48
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 2,018 400 3 538 249 173 254 43 358
Seychelles 3 D - - - - - - D
Sierra Leone 33 14 - - 4 4 4 - 7
Singapore 7,658 3,266 - - 149 7 2,098 201 1,937
Slovakia 2,030 217 D D 175 155 667 275 444
Slovenia 972 175 - 5 118 46 192 302 134
Solomon Islands 3 - - - - - - - 3
Somalia 3 D - - - - - - D
South Africa 11,886 1,050 2,402 1,958 689 451 3,068 57 2,211
South Sudan 7 D - - - - - - D
Spain 50,749 5,996 D D 3,630 1,052 14,954 14,754 10,297
Sri Lanka 1,383 531 - - 19 47 286 47 453
Sudan 59 21 - - 5 - D D 28
Suriname 63 21 - - 6 - - 24 12
Swaziland 45 D - - D D 19 - 14
Sweden 18,891 1,449 D D 2,872 1,608 5,625 3,038 4,285
Switzerland 11,083 1,148 D D 1,164 266 4,129 2,011 2,362
Syria 192 35 - - - 14 30 9 104
Taiwan 18,356 5,231 - - 652 242 3,162 5,471 3,598
Tajikistan 41 25 - - D - - - D
Tanzania 271 136 - - 24 30 11 - 70
Thailand 2,829 734 23 7 112 108 442 674 729
Timor-Leste D D - - D - D - D
Togo 42 29 - - - - - - 13
Tonga 61 - - - - - - - 61
Trinidad and Tobago 3,263 738 - - 324 612 847 191 551
Tunisia 383 98 - - 20 5 83 40 137
Turkey 9,326 2,755 - 42 358 35 1,465 2,769 1,902
Turkmenistan 43 7 - - - D 13 D 16
Uganda 677 166 - D D 335 48 - 120
Ukraine 7,204 1,112 130 636 502 673 1,676 191 2,284
United Arab Emirates 164 61 - - D D 59 - 39
United Kingdom11 168,495 13,634 85 1,349 27,656 6,530 60,701 23,607 34,933
Uruguay 1,599 336 D D 154 41 573 94 362
Uzbekistan 283 82 - - 9 30 34 - 128
Vanuatu 17 D - - - - - - D
Venezuela 23,169 4,411 - D 1,898 D 6,531 2,272 6,163
Vietnam 2,321 869 - - 88 203 346 26 789
Yemen 55 D - - D - 20 - 26
Zambia 130 50 - - D D 14 3 59
Zimbabwe 641 237 4 - 42 42 166 9 141
Unknown 1,016 301 27 8 49 49 241 93 248

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.

- Represents zero.

1 Includes principals and dependents (CW1, CW2, E1 to E3, H1B, H1B1, H1C, H2A, H2B, H2R, H3, H4, I1, L1, L2, O1 to O3, P1 to P4, Q1, R1, R2, TD and TN admissions).

2 Issuances of H2R (returning H2B workers not subject to annual numerical limits) ceased at the end of 2007.

3 Includes principals and dependents.

4 Australia includes Australia, Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

5 China includes the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

6 Denmark includes Denmark, Faroe Islands, and Greenland.

7 France includes France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and Wallis and Futuna.

8 Morocco includes Morocco and Western Sahara.

9 Netherlands includes the Netherlands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, and Sint Maarten.

10 New Zealand includes New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tokelau, and Niue.

11 United Kingdom includes the United Kingdom, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Notes: Admissions represent counts of events, i.e., arrivals, not unique individuals; multiple entries of an individual on the same day are counted as one admission.

The majority of short-term admissions from Canada and Mexico are excluded.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.