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  3. Immigration
  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2019
  6. Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status By Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2019

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2019

The 2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region of Birth: Fiscal Year 2019
Region of Birth Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,031,765 505,765 204,139 139,458 43,463 106,911 32,029
Africa 111,194 48,500 11,859 6,898 18,584 25,073 280
Asia 364,761 145,525 87,225 77,716 12,810 31,989 9,496
Europe 87,597 43,586 6,301 22,002 10,192 5,283 233
North America 370,860 205,659 84,768 18,470 285 41,336 20,342
Oceania 5,359 2,803 483 1,462 596 9 6
South America 90,850 58,971 13,182 12,897 969 3,202 1,629
Unknown 1,144 721 321 13 27 19 43


Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2019
Country of Birth Total Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,031,765 505,765 204,139 139,458 43,463 106,911 32,029
Afghanistan 10,136 744 328 34 254 928 7,848
Albania 5,366 1,749 1,259 114 2,139 100 5
Algeria 2,299 744 141 67 1,327 D D
Angola 226 117 27 18 22 42 -
Anguilla 14 11 D - - - D
Antigua and Barbuda 323 222 86 D D - D
Argentina 3,925 2,326 189 1,181 52 123 54
Armenia 3,101 1,191 305 200 1,208 189 8
Aruba 52 43 5 4 - - -
Australia 3,205 1,621 88 1,144 344 3 5
Austria 437 234 25 168 5 D D
Azerbaijan 1,169 337 56 73 640 63 -
Bahamas 922 756 76 76 8 3 3
Bahrain 183 60 28 90 D D D
Bangladesh 15,176 6,146 7,773 1,071 D 158 D
Barbados 338 227 68 D - - D
Belarus 2,263 721 154 375 888 D D
Belgium 714 328 19 330 24 9 4
Belize 806 611 150 24 - 9 12
Benin 619 294 48 18 251 8 -
Bermuda 84 62 D 16 - - D
Bhutan 1,441 56 D D 17 1,360 -
Bolivia 1,525 1,009 266 145 10 44 51
Bosnia and Herzegovina 637 422 101 58 D 28 D
Botswana 61 39 D 15 - D -
Brazil 19,825 12,730 767 5,867 8 248 205
Brunei 23 9 D 10 - D -
Bulgaria 1,759 1,156 153 205 217 22 6
Burkina Faso 646 385 38 D 105 87 D
Burma 5,024 860 582 D 193 3,311 D
Burundi 781 126 12 D 134 504 D
Cabo Verde 1,852 874 965 9 D - D
Cambodia 2,748 1,936 581 131 78 16 6
Cameroon 4,369 1,871 502 100 1,403 489 4
Canada 11,388 5,588 489 4,998 58 54 201
Cayman Islands 53 34 9 5 - 5 -
Central African Republic 231 20 6 D 9 189 D
Chad 224 44 - 6 24 150 -
Chile 1,762 1,147 109 408 18 60 20
China, People's Republic 62,248 25,104 12,748 17,154 21 7,081 140
Colombia 19,841 15,171 2,506 1,356 D 704 D
Comoros 10 5 - D D - -
Congo, Democratic Republic 8,999 591 302 60 2,638 5,403 5
Congo, Republic 476 142 9 34 136 152 3
Costa Rica 2,348 1,800 204 245 13 49 37
Cote d'Ivoire 1,589 818 192 42 380 146 11
Croatia 360 215 26 99 13 7 -
Cuba 41,641 4,276 4,334 12 112 32,900 7
Curacao 53 36 D 9 - D -
Cyprus 111 64 6 34 4 3 -
Czechia 714 487 21 155 33 15 3
Denmark 416 207 13 182 8 3 3
Djibouti 151 33 D D 26 77 -
Dominica 511 308 176 20 4 - 3
Dominican Republic 49,911 23,778 25,694 230 3 115 91
Ecuador 11,083 6,329 2,968 416 108 378 884
Egypt 9,479 3,077 1,015 982 3,313 1,087 5
El Salvador 27,656 15,718 5,807 1,725 D 2,785 D
Equatorial Guinea 30 25 D D D D -
Eritrea 2,385 615 179 141 98 1,349 3
Estonia 193 118 10 41 20 4 -
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 32 14 D 13 D - -
Ethiopia 9,060 3,575 1,355 283 1,520 2,321 6
Fiji 734 273 293 13 152 3 -
Finland 497 159 10 308 20 - -
France 4,787 2,008 152 2,364 218 29 16
French Polynesia 25 19 - 6 - - -
Gabon 148 103 7 3 13 22 -
Gambia 1,378 1,000 148 16 24 170 20
Georgia 1,691 852 135 80 595 25 4
Germany 4,848 2,687 153 1,727 223 47 11
Ghana 8,526 6,101 1,363 344 610 83 25
Greece 1,350 750 91 396 99 11 3
Grenada 554 407 115 23 D D D
Guatemala 13,453 6,008 2,264 1,333 33 2,070 1,745
Guinea 1,579 967 177 11 238 169 17
Guinea-Bissau 51 47 D - D - -
Guyana 5,385 2,391 2,886 85 10 4 9
Haiti 17,253 10,826 5,761 144 D 475 D
Honduras 15,901 10,362 1,958 1,235 24 1,371 951
Hong Kong 2,021 622 565 782 41 D D
Hungary 1,070 730 31 263 35 5 6
Iceland 70 33 D 32 D - -
India 54,495 21,049 13,387 18,553 25 1,007 474
Indonesia 1,899 1,217 208 292 69 95 18
Iran 6,640 1,397 416 2,512 190 2,096 29
Iraq 6,514 1,456 402 86 281 4,076 213
Ireland 1,760 947 33 752 22 6 -
Israel 4,304 2,267 150 1,732 76 64 15
Italy 3,822 1,896 187 1,378 164 186 11
Jamaica 21,689 15,484 4,942 1,184 D D 47
Japan 4,503 2,547 148 1,607 195 3 3
Jordan 4,998 2,804 1,133 334 278 439 10
Kazakhstan 1,533 682 D 201 465 120 D
Kenya 7,052 2,673 517 742 1,139 1,948 33
Korea, North 29 23 - 3 - D D
Korea, South 18,479 6,812 1,118 10,495 16 4 34
Kosovo 1,020 469 268 20 221 42 -
Kuwait 1,201 377 231 383 59 148 3
Kyrgyzstan 881 280 37 61 333 165 5
Laos 850 707 102 22 D 15 D
Latvia 319 215 23 40 24 13 4
Lebanon 2,605 1,285 746 401 77 93 3
Lesotho 22 15 D D D - D
Liberia 3,495 1,803 514 15 900 255 8
Libya 511 214 23 156 52 66 -
Lithuania 750 495 69 73 99 4 10
Luxembourg 42 24 D D - - -
Macau 99 32 28 36 3 - -
Madagascar 75 42 D 24 5 D -
Malawi 213 95 9 15 3 88 3
Malaysia 2,303 709 162 557 29 835 11
Mali 586 445 52 8 26 41 14
Malta 47 10 - D D 28 -
Marshall Islands 22 D - D - - -
Mauritania 230 108 35 4 16 67 -
Mauritius 95 54 5 27 6 D D
Mexico 156,052 102,103 30,554 6,698 13 1,303 15,381
Micronesia, Federated States 21 D - D D - -
Moldova 1,935 907 95 103 541 286 3
Mongolia 765 341 46 141 166 62 9
Montenegro 376 258 97 D 13 D -
Montserrat 24 21 3 - - - -
Morocco 3,721 2,019 352 141 1,183 13 13
Mozambique 77 32 D D - 33 -
Namibia 98 48 - 15 7 28 -
Nepal 10,201 2,637 895 1,528 2,919 2,192 30
Netherlands 1,274 640 40 551 33 D D
Netherlands Antilles (former) 21 16 D D - - -
New Zealand 844 427 D 288 82 D D
Nicaragua 3,818 2,680 828 77 4 113 116
Niger 201 134 6 23 25 8 5
Nigeria 15,888 11,491 2,527 1,655 11 172 32
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia) 1,079 590 208 67 196 18 -
Norway 329 255 6 59 D 5 D
Oman 148 39 11 84 D 6 D
Pakistan 13,921 5,999 4,743 2,266 13 815 85
Palau 14 11 - 3 - - -
Panama 1,059 788 148 89 - 27 7
Papua New Guinea 24 20 - D D - -
Paraguay 452 353 41 37 5 12 4
Peru 10,049 6,722 2,535 413 D D 222
Philippines 45,920 24,441 13,793 7,358 8 17 303
Poland 4,700 2,956 535 922 227 12 48
Portugal 940 622 47 237 8 19 7
Qatar 287 84 45 97 42 19 -
Romania 2,616 1,680 203 475 199 52 7
Russia 9,822 4,441 555 2,082 2,190 534 20
Rwanda 1,509 114 50 26 330 986 3
Saint Kitts and Nevis 238 123 109 D - D -
Saint Lucia 726 541 144 34 D D D
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 403 309 73 D - - D
Samoa 195 183 D D - - -
Sao Tome and Principe 12 9 3 - - - -
Saudi Arabia 2,514 1,055 318 492 416 229 4
Senegal 1,665 1,205 242 58 88 53 19
Serbia 1,532 1,060 117 143 184 28 -
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 139 76 3 27 - 28 5
Sierra Leone 1,443 1,023 209 15 147 46 3
Singapore 818 301 58 448 8 3 -
Sint Maarten 37 D - D - - -
Slovakia 422 289 18 92 16 D D
Slovenia 119 61 D 53 D D -
Somalia 3,752 377 59 D D 3,308 -
South Africa 3,174 1,502 D 1,187 216 147 D
South Sudan 191 120 8 13 10 40 -
Soviet Union (former) 1,227 728 13 251 12 220 3
Spain 3,115 1,369 148 1,226 73 295 4
Sri Lanka 1,689 531 185 466 370 125 12
Sudan 2,949 594 131 D 1,244 948 D
Suriname 172 113 47 D - D -
Sweden 1,018 570 34 394 8 9 3
Switzerland 595 300 9 261 19 D D
Syria 5,967 696 318 290 D 4,606 D
Taiwan 5,801 2,154 919 2,551 168 6 3
Tajikistan 1,158 193 60 44 837 24 -
Tanzania 3,142 449 67 56 50 2,513 7
Thailand 5,551 3,737 292 487 55 946 34
Togo 1,546 649 203 D 607 68 D
Tonga 256 200 42 - D D -
Trinidad and Tobago 3,150 2,208 734 171 5 4 28
Tunisia 510 354 20 86 38 9 3
Turkey 5,713 2,264 236 1,625 1,356 209 23
Turkmenistan 330 116 20 21 164 9 -
Turks and Caicos Islands 56 51 D D - - -
Uganda 2,560 644 127 115 147 1,522 5
Ukraine 11,762 4,511 890 1,375 1,907 3,060 19
United Arab Emirates 1,586 365 262 731 138 80 10
United Kingdom 11,337 6,203 481 4,565 58 13 17
United States 262 178 D 29 D 17 30
Uruguay 1,109 879 41 107 8 33 41
Uzbekistan 2,550 750 583 166 893 146 12
Venezuela 15,720 9,800 826 2,871 746 1,440 37
Vietnam 39,712 15,861 21,870 1,804 5 64 108
Virgin Islands, British 58 44 11 3 - - -
Yemen 3,717 2,335 1,128 97 D 121 D
Zambia 511 267 17 61 13 145 8
Zimbabwe 758 391 50 184 36 92 5
All other countries1 61 28 7 16 7 3 -
Unknown 1,144 721 321 13 27 19 43

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.
- Represents zero.
1 Includes countries with fewer than 10 lawful permanent residents.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.