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  1. Home
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  3. Immigration
  4. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
  5. Yearbook 2019
  6. Table 15. Refugee Arrivals By Relationship To Principal Applicant and Sex, Age, and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2019

OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Sex, Age, and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2019

The 2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Sex: Fiscal Year 2019
      Characteristic Total    Principal Applicants1       Dependents              
Spouses2 Children Other
   Total 29,916 12,291 3,262 14,211 152
Female 14,651 5,636 2,083 6,851 81
Male 15,265 6,655 1,179 7,360 71


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Age: Fiscal Year 2019
      Characteristic Total    Principal Applicants1       Dependents              
Spouses2 Children Other
   Total 29,916 12,291 3,262 14,211 152
Under 1 year 72 - - D D
1 to 4 years  3,406 10 - 3,310 86
5 to 9 years  4,105 49 - 4,044 12
10 to 14 years 3,499 139 - 3,334 26
15 to 19 years 3,106 509 4 2,576 17
20 to 24 years 3,036 1,986 182 859 9
25 to 29 years 3,109 2,598 D D D
30 to 34 years 2,710 2,049 661 - -
35 to 39 years 1,988 1,458 D D -
40 to 44 years 1,289 914 D D -
45 to 49 years 1,002 701 301 - -
50 to 54 years 724 501 223 - -
55 to 59 years 626 432 194 - -
60 to 64 years 512 360 152 - -
65 to 74 years 549 427 122 - -
75 years and over 183 158 25 - -


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Broad Age Groups: Fiscal Year 2019
      Characteristic Total    Principal Applicants1       Dependents              
Spouses2 Children Other
   Total 29,916 12,291 3,262 14,211 152
Under 16 years 11,693 249 - 11,316 128
16 to 20 years 3,058 599 14 2,428 17
21 years and over 15,165 11,443 3,248 467 7


Table 15. Refugee Arrivals by Relationship to Principal Applicant and Marital Status: Fiscal Year 2019
      Characteristic Total    Principal Applicants1       Dependents              
Spouses2 Children Other
   Total 29,916 12,291 3,262 14,211 152
Married3 7,770 4,508 D D -
Single  20,828 6,469 D 14,207 D
Widowed 899 899 - - -
Divorced/separated 414 D - D -
Unknown 5 D - D D

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.
- Represents zero.
1 Numbers in the Principal Applicant category previously included siblings, parents, and other dependents, who are now included in the Other category.
2 Includes persons in a civil union.
3 Includes persons in common law marriage.
Note: Excludes Amerasian immigrants.

Source: U.S. Department of State.